Pure Energy Rx Blog
This Quantum Life #76 - It Really Is All Good, Man
I guess it was about 30 years ago when I was studying with this shaman, and he asked me, "Why the long face? Life treating you bad, man?" I had been going through some marital problems, and was teetering on the brink of clinical depression, which hadn't been addressed yet. I shook my head, "It's all good, man."
This Quantum Life #77 - Healing You
Healing has always been an inside job, and in acknowledging that reality we not only open the flood gates of our own healing potential, we also open the possibilities for others to be healed,
This Quantum Life #78 - Living in Possibility
Life makes life, and even death makes life, so either way, you're gonna be alive one way or another. Why not accept the excitement, the support, and the love we all have inherent in being?
This Quantum Life #79 - That Mystic Broadcast of Oneness
It very quickly starts to become real that every particle, every wave, every point, everywhere is broadcasting its own program, as it entangles with and resonates with other points of broadcast that combine and manifest as unique creations--always in motion, always changing, always responding to your attention and intent.
This Quantum Life #80 - What Healing Really Means
The most basic of bottom lines is that we are all eternal consciousness that has simply agreed to muck about in this thick earthbound density for a period of time, and after we're done "mucking around", we release whatever grasp we have on physicality, and retreat once again into the Universal Field of Consciousness.
This Quantum Life #70 - Resistance is Futile
The quantum particles and waves have been set in motion and are merrily going about their duties, delivering the very thing I originally thought was such a great idea. Well, it IS a great idea, dammit! That's my reality, and I'm stickin' to it!
This Quantum Life #71 - A Kansas State of Mind
My intent for moving my body from the warm and sunny climes of Southern California to the pronounced seasonal climate of Southern Kansas was completely metaphorical.
This Quantum Life #72 - Disclosure and Consciousness
The significance of acknowledging awareness of non-terrestrial life, is to connect with the rest of the living universe.
This Quantum Life #73 - From Grumble to Humble
From a cosmic view, everything that happens is exactly what is needed for a higher expression, or frequency of existence. We get glimpses of this "greater world", and yet have difficulty with the navigation to it, as though the vision of it requires physical movement or doing.
Quantum Health - May, 2021 - Issue 2
Is Energy Healing Right For You?
Standard definitions of healing have something to do with restoring health, physical healing, treatments t...
This Quantum Life #127 - The Improbable Truth
The very last thing the social controllers want is people believing (or knowing) that they are indestructible, immortal beings of light. And so the campaign begins to convince us of our vulnerability, powerlessness, and mortality.