Pure Energy Rx Blog
Quantum Health Newsletter - Dec. 2021, Issue 2
Are Our Ideas About Death Obsolete?
According to Robert Lanza, M.D, death is actually a door to an endless number of universes. Furthermore...
This Quantum Life #141 - The Great Turning
We are at a point in human history when there a is great bifurcation of the population into two very distinct groups: Those who only trust authority, and those who only trust their gut. Ironically, this fork in the road of human destiny has been brought on by the indoctrinators themselves, whose propaganda has become so extreme that the cognitive dissonance of it forced the population to prioritize their gut knowing over authoritarian pronouncements.
Quantum Health Newsletter, Dec. 2021, Issue 1
Why It Can Be Difficult to Open the 3rd Eye
Nearly all of the oldest religions in the world have a reference to the third eye. In the east,...
This Quantum Life #140 - We Are The Divine Intervention
Divine intervention seems like an intervention because it interferes with separation. It dissolves the awareness of separation into the Cosmic Whole, where everything is forgiven, healed and loved.
This Quantum Life #139 - Plug In To Source
Our body and our life could be seen as existing within and permeated by a great sea of conscious points existing as direct portals to the Creator.
Quantum Health Newsletter, November 2021, Issue 1
Those Crazy Online Memes Keep Us Sane
Good news! All the hours you've wasted mindlessly scrolling Instagram laughing at cute, silly and cha...
This Quantum Life #138 - Freedom From Good vs. Evil
What we're witnessing now is the transmogrification of evil darkness into angelic light.
Quantum Health Newsletter, October 2021, Issue 2
Quantum Health News
Gardening for Better Health
Even pre-pandemic, before forced separation and confinement made us crave nature's...
This Quantum Life #137 - The Return to Oneness
This is the true meaning of healing: The return to Oneness by praising the separation from it.
Quantum Health Newsletter - Issue 1, October, 2021
Quantum Health News
Multiverses May Be Interacting With Each Other
We are all familiar with several interpretations of an infinite ...
This Quantum Life #136 - Jumping At Shadows
This living in fear centers all the attention on self, where self-preservation cancels out humanitarian impulses in favor of service to self.
Quantum Health Newsletter, Sept. 2021, Issue 2 - Happy Equinox!
Surprising Benefits From Reading Fiction
Besides having better verbal abilities, lifelong readers are known to be more understanding of othe...