Pure Energy Rx Blog

This Quantum Life #135 - In The Arms of God

This Quantum Life #135 - In The Arms of God

When that choice is made to bifurcate the world into inner and outer, we create "The Other". The Other is what we are not, and to the degree there is a disparity, The Other becomes an opposition, and is sometimes cruel. 

This Quantum Life #134 - Life With Benefits

This Quantum Life #134 - Life With Benefits

The true freedom from tyranny revolt begins with the choice to disconnect from the polarity inherent in the conflict. 

The Quantum Health Newsletter, August 2021, Issue 2

The Quantum Health Newsletter, August 2021, Issue 2

10 Ways Meditation Impacts Health Here are ten surprising facts you might not know about meditation. Meditation reduces stress - According to...

This Quantum Life #133 - The Inevitable Retreat of Tyranny

This Quantum Life #133 - The Inevitable Retreat of Tyranny

Two obvious features of quantum living are: 1. Everything is energy; and 2. Anything is possible. Both of these features are anathema to tyranny...

Quantum Health News - August 2021, Issue 1

Quantum Health News - August 2021, Issue 1

6 Ways the Ego Disguises Resistance The tough reality down here on Planet Blue is that what we think we want and getting to it can get sabot...

This Quantum Life #132 - Getting To Hope And Faith

This Quantum Life #132 - Getting To Hope And Faith

Darkness cannot exist without light, and faith and hope proclaim that eventually and certainly all darkness turns to light. This is the promise of life itself reflected in the certainty of faith.

Quantum Health Newsletter, July 2021, Issue 2

Quantum Health Newsletter, July 2021, Issue 2

Evidence of Spiritual Progress As we all strive for a greater life with more joy and ease, it is sometimes difficult to see direct evidence t...

This Quantum Life #131 - The Eternal Flower

This Quantum Life #131 - The Eternal Flower

As we all wake up to the Mission of the Eternal, the Agents of Darkness can no longer play their depraved games, and must come face to face with the Truth of their crimes.

This Quantum Life #1 - The Quantum Reality Gap

This Quantum Life #1 - The Quantum Reality Gap

You mean we are actually creating every single moment that is happening to us? Yep.

This Quantum Life #2 - Giving Up Utopia

This Quantum Life #2 - Giving Up Utopia

As infinite beings, we have a need to play big, make waves, make a big sound. What's the biggest game we can play, the biggest sound we can make?

This Quantum Life #3 - Giving Up Utopia, The Double Down

This Quantum Life #3 - Giving Up Utopia, The Double Down

So, by remaining in the question when you want to change something, feel  that energy of How does it get better? without judging or concluding anything, 

This Quantum Life #4 - Your New Quantum World

This Quantum Life #4 - Your New Quantum World

The one thing that did get through to me, though, was that measurements at an atomic level are directly affected by the observer. Wait. What?? Atomic measurements change when observed by human consciousness.