Pure Energy Rx Blog
This Quantum Life #149 - The Strange Case of Perfection
Hindsight always gives us that advantage of context when events happen that, at the moment, seem just plain wrong. Perhaps that perception that leads to the judgment that something is "wrong" or "bad" is just Nature's way of telling us to wait and see.
Quantum Life #148 - The Feeling Imagination
The power of the human mind is in the imagination. The imagination is the direct sub-atomic driver of physical reality, and feelings are the amplifiers of imagination.
This Quantum Life #147 - Finding Now
Alan Watts said, "Ecstasy, by one road or another, is inevitable." I would venture to say that the reason this is hard-wired is because THAT is WHO WE ARE, and this is reflected in our brain-body-mind.
This Quantum Life #146 - It's All Belief
It is our BELIEFS that determine our level of health, and ability to heal. There are so many examples of people doing only meditation and fasting healing themselves of "terminal" diseases.
Quantum Health Newsletter - Feb. 2022, Issue 2
4 Ways to Use Crystals to Charge Up Your Love Life
Whether you're trying to manifest a new flirtation, meet more interesting people, or revi...
This Quantum Life #145 - The Superpower of Curiosity
Curiosity drives our imagination and all knowledge. It is only limited by our allowance of what is possible.
Quantum Health Newsletter - Feb. 2022, Issue 1
Six Steps to Resolving Anxieties
This six-step process, ideally, is used all together, as one cohesive offering. And yet can also be used a...
This Quantum Life #144 - The Challenge of Faith
It is the faith that is born from direct knowing of the Creator and the basic goodness of Creation that pulls us out of the polarity inherent in chaos and negativity.
Quantum Health Newsletter - January 2022, Issue 2
Quantum Health News
Intuition Could Be Your Superpower
So, what exactly is intuition? A good way to describe it is a gut feeling, ...
This Quantum Life #143 - Within Every Moment
There is a condition of non-detached detachment, where we feel everything, but have no ego response to it that would otherwise engage the mind in judgments and conclusions. It is a state of consciousness within which all dimensions of existence are perceived, and information flows unimpeded wherever the attention goes.
Quantum Health Newsletter, January 2022, Issue 1
Quantum Health News
Be Kind. You'll Live Longer
A recent study is one of many that has provided proof of just how impactful mindfu...
This Quantum Life #142 - Jumping Timelines
The first premise of quantum living is that everything is energy. Energy vibrates at various frequencies and that determines our experience.