Pure Energy Rx Blog
Quantum Health Newsletter, August 2022, Issue 2
Insights Into The Chakras
Chakra, or "wheel" in Sanskrit, is the etheric energy vortex that continuously spins to create energy and life f...
This Quantum Life #163 - Tethers To Darkness
In other words, if we are convinced the world is "going to hell in a hand basket", and then energize that choice by believing "corroborating evidence" abundantly available at any moment via fear mongers, social media, propaganda outlets, crisis actors, and doomsayer pundits, we further cement ourselves into the dualism of these universes.
Quantum Health Newsletter, August 2022, Issue 1
Research: Personality Types and Music Preferences
Every December since 2016, Spotify runs a hugely popular campaign where users get stats o...
This Quantum Life #162 - It's Always About Love
When all experience is defined as love, or at least as a cry for love, we create true context, because regardless of appearances, all the stories our experiences tell demonstrate how we've chosen or not chosen to love. It is always about love no matter the expression.
Quantum Health Newsletter - July 2022, Issue 3
The Body's Cells Depend on Positivity
There are no longer doubts that what happens in the brain influences what happens in the body. Numero...
This Quantum Life #161 - Be The Hundredth Monkey
Applied to the individual self as a portal in this universal informational field, it could be said that we "travel" from one informational field to another by our innate power of choice.
This Quantum Life #160 - Drop by Drop
There is a superpower we humans have, shared by bees, ants and other hive denizens, and that is the communication of accountability. When we choose to engage this superpower, small, individual efforts are exponentially amplified to create planet class changes in the world.
Quantum Health Newsletter, July 2022, Issue 1
5 Ways to Immediately Shift Your MoodJennifer Salzillo
It can be tough to shift yourself off of the negative frequency but here are a few s...
This Quantum Life #159 - Breathe In Source, Breathe Out Source
We haven't been allowed to acknowledge our God Portal, let alone be shown how to access it. In fact, we have been trained for thousands of years that direct access to God is dangerous, despicable and even downright evil; and to be a "good person" we must obey authority, minimize our personal creations, and deflect any and all calls for the opposite by so-called social insurrectionists.
Quantum Health News - June 2022 - Issue 2
7 Ways to Develop Trust in the Divine
To do this, you have to put yourself in the place of the unknown--to take small risks and chances in ...
This Quantum Life #158 - Covenants Released: We Are Free
The bad news is that most of us don't remember we'd been captured into a covenant, let alone released. This brings up the picture of the horse tethered to a lawn chair, believing he was unable to roam--shackled by belief and habit rather than reality.
This Quantum Life #157 - The Truth of You
There is no "fight" in freedom. The Controllers have all the money, all the soldiers, all the bombs, and care a whole lot more than you do about winning. Fight them, and you'll lose. It's just the way the script runs. True Freedom for the world, on the other hand, is found in the Truth of You--the pure creative power of You off script--the you that you are when there are no definitions of you to fall back on...