Pure Energy Rx Blog

This Quantum Life #111 - Forgiving Life

This Quantum Life #111 - Forgiving Life

"Life is not what happens to you. It is what happens as a result of you," said my long-time friend, shaman, teacher and confidant. As a young man...

This Quantum Life #110 - The Bridge of Grace

This Quantum Life #110 - The Bridge of Grace

There is something called "grace", that is a sort of "bridge"--that no matter how fearful and deprived we are being, grace always provides a way to lift ourselves out of fear into love, should we choose it.

This Quantum Life #109 - Fear As A Path To Love

This Quantum Life #109 - Fear As A Path To Love

Fear stops and freezes. Love flows and warms. Both states are necessary to maintain a physical reality, but when the mind stops and freezes, our body follows, and before we know it, we're cowering behind the nearest shelter with eyes wide shut dreading the next moment.

Quantum Health News August 4, 2020

Quantum Health News August 4, 2020

Change Your Words, Change Your Life Psychiatrist and psychologist, Milton Erickson developed therapeutic strategies based on how changing y...

This Quantum Life #108 - Fear and Choice

This Quantum Life #108 - Fear and Choice

I lived in San Diego for six years before moving to this little railroad town in Southern Kansas a year and a half ago. I left the big city for ...

Quantum Health News July 2020

Quantum Health News July 2020

Your DNA Communicates With Light Vladimir Poponin is a well known Russian scientist who in 1995, with his colleagues, including biophysicis...

This Quantum Life #107 - Allowing the Chaos

This Quantum Life #107 - Allowing the Chaos

Thus, by becoming a field of allowance and compassion, we de-polarize the energies as they wash up on our shores. The polarized waves of energies dissipate in the field, much like stormy ocean waves inundating a shoreline and quickly subsiding.

Quantum Health News, June, 2020 No. 2

Quantum Health News, June, 2020 No. 2

Being In Love Makes You Smarter Anyone who's in love, particularly in the early part of the relationship, feels more awake and emotionally ...

This Quantum Life #106 - The Real "New Normal"

This Quantum Life #106 - The Real "New Normal"

World War III is being waged as Information Warfare, folks, and it is finally getting everyone riled up enough to really find out what the hell is going on.

Quantum Health News - June 10, 2020

Quantum Health News - June 10, 2020

Change "Bad" Habits with Subtle Energy   Your brain, which is the physical seat of your mind, has tremendous ability to direct the flow of ...

This Quantum Life #105 - Feeling All The Feels

This Quantum Life #105 - Feeling All The Feels

If things seem hopeless, then you can be sure someone is benefiting from that hopelessness. If you're angry, someone is using that anger for their purposes.

Quantum Health News - New Moon, May 2020

Quantum Health News - New Moon, May 2020

New Evidence for Parallel Universes A new discovery in Antarctica has caused a stir in scientific circles as possibly representing the firs...