New Evidence for Parallel Universes
![]() A new discovery in Antarctica has caused a stir in scientific circles as possibly representing the first tangible physical evidence of a parallel universe. Scientists working for NASA’s Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) have been conducting a cosmic ray detection experiment. ANITA is a stratospheric balloon that ferries complicated instruments high into the air over Antarctica, surveying over a million square kilometers. Its instruments search for heavier tau neutrinos trapped by solid-state matter. But while these high-energy particles do not pass through the Earth, like their lighter low-energy cousins, they should be originating from out in space and moving “down” toward us. However, ANITA scientists discovered something surprising: tau neutrino particles that seem to be arising “up” from the Earth, implying that they’re moving backward in time. Principal ANITA investigator Peter Gorham, an experimental particle physicist at the University of Hawaii, says he was surprised by this and checked for computational or equipment glitches to explain the finding. “What we saw is something that looked just like a cosmic ray, as seen in reflection off the ice sheet, but it wasn’t reflected,” said Gorham. “It was as if the cosmic ray had come out of the ice itself. A very strange thing. So we published a paper on that, we just suggested that this was in pretty strong tension with the standard model of physics.” Surprisingly enough, one of the simplest explanations for such a finding is that when the Big Bang occurred 13.8 billion years ago, it formed both our universe and a mirror universe where time flows in reverse. Inhabitants of that universe would likely not experience time going backward but would rather perceive us as the reverse universe. “Not everyone was comfortable with the hypothesis,” Gorham told New Scientist. QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Findings like these are important because they help de-construct our beliefs about the universe, and reveal unheard of possibilities that lie outside the traditional "arrow of time" model. Each choice we make jumps us to another version of experience--call it parallel universe? Use our Meditation Elixirs to enhance your exploration of such beliefs and concepts.
Are We Losing Our Memory Because of Technology?
![]() The process of long-term potentiation (LTP) was introduced by Norwegian physiologist Terje Lømo in 1966. Receptor activation excites synapses. Glutamate screams across channels to ensure you remember. Fascinatingly, LTP is not a one-off. It's a process. Copies of your memories are reproduced over and over and over. That's why Grandma recalls yelling when the Beatles came on the radio even as she forgets your name. Those are the neurological mechanics, in which repetition is the key to forming lasting memories. Before the advent of the internet, remembering played a much more prevalent role in our lives. Remembering takes time. As Horvath points out, we memorize better in short bursts. Sleeping between bouts of studying helps commit information to memory. In a data-drenched society that barely sleeps, how much we actually remember is a contentious issue. Part of the problem is the exploitation of attentional capacities. Coining the term "deep work," computer science professor Cal Newport writes that switching from task to task trains your mind to "never tolerate an absence of novelty." A day of Web surfing is never as rewarding as accomplishing a pre-made list of tasks. You'll always feel drained and scattered mindlessly clicking around. How much information you retain while surfing is negligible. As with ancient Indians memorizing shloka through recitation and repetition, the writer Nicholas Carr points to the discovery of the generation effect by cognitive psychologists in the 1970s. "People remember words much better when they actively recall them—when they generate them—than when they read them from a page." Retaining information is akin to physical exertion. Your muscles only get stronger when you use them. How often do we stop and think deeply about a question before turning to Google? Convenience has a price. Horvath doesn't strike an apocalyptic tone, though he does point out we're more likely to memorize usernames and URLs than epic literature. Or any literature at all. Engagement is currency in the attention economy. How many times have you repeated a headline without having actually read the article? Unless you grapple with the ideas presented after clicking, you're unlikely to retain the story. You missed an opportunity for contemplating nuance. At times, the gist is enough, but the gist can't be enough for everything. QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Increase and enhance short-term memory with our Cosmic Eye Elixir. Increases your ability to pay attention, thus improving memory and cognition.
Why "Power Posing" is a Thing
![]() The gist of Cuddy's hypothesis is simple. Nonverbals, such as body language, don't just affect how others perceive us; they also change how we perceive ourselves. If we maintain "high-power poses"—that is, postures expressing friendliness, strength, and openness--our minds will interpret those qualities as self-possessed. Conversely, "low-power poses" that contort our bodies to be confined, compact, and scrunched up have the opposite effect. In social situations, our minds analyze our body language, perceive us to be equally diminutive, and start pumping in the cortisol. Cuddy's research focused on adults, asking study participants to hold high-power or low-power poses for two minutes before a mock interview. The evaluators, who were blind to the pre-interview posturing, chose the high-power posturers more often than their low-power peers. And these effects may be more than subconscious self-persuasion; they may be biochemical. Cuddy's research suggests power posing increases testosterone and decreases cortisol levels, the latter being associated with stress while the former promotes assertion, confidence, and comfort. A recent study suggests that power posing's positive effects can also improve confidence and positive feelings in children. "Children from the age of five are able to recognize and interpret the body posture of others," Robert Körner, the study's lead author and a member at the Institute of Psychology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, said in a release. To test this, the researchers conducted an experiment similar to Cuddy's. They separated 108 fourth graders into two groups. One group assumed two open high-power poses for a minute a day. The other group folded their arms and hung their heads, a low-power pose. After posing, both groups completed a series of psychological tests. The children who assumed a high-power pose reported higher self-esteem than those who assumed a low-power pose. They also mentioned more positive feelings and better student-teacher relationships. An indirect assessment of the children also showed the high-power pose generated an overall better mood. QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Success & Achievement Crystal to augment your power pose. This crystal has been shown to increase confidence, will power, charisma and focus. Be your own super hero! |
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Mindful Walking
The other version of this is to walk at a normal pace, but keeping your attention on everything you are sensing, and observing what the mind does. Refrain from following any particular thought sequence, such as thinking about future events, or plans, or past experiences. Keep it all in the NOW. Soon, you'll experience a deep, relaxing connection to Life and your place in the world. - From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Angelia LaRue
Crystals have been used and revered since the dawning of human civilization. The Christian Bible refers to crystals over 200 times! Crystalline structures have been found in the ruins of Babylonia and in the ancient tombs of Egyptian and Chinese rulers. Not only are crystals beautiful, they are powerful transmitters of electricity. As part of the mineral kingdom, they connect the user to universal energies from the cosmos. This is the reason that crystals and other minerals must only be used through the highest consciousness of the individual. Properly focused, right intention during use of the crystal or mineral array further stimulates the melding of one’s personal energy with light, love, and higher consciousness for the good of all. Not only do you get the benefit of this high energy therapy bed and crystal arrays, you also benefit from several groups of higher frequency Beings that support Angelia and her clients during sessions. You will hear her mention them in her transmissions, asking for their assistance to support your journey to an expanded consciousness. These transmissions are very powerful! WEBSITE |
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Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Happy Dreams and Changes"
![]() Emotionally: Amplifies and brings things to the surface for transformation. Associated with love and passion it intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Enhances self-worth and helps you to understand your full potential. Mentally: Brings lightness and spontaneity and encourages an interest in the arts. Strengthens memory. Physically: Strengthens the will to live. Helps with Parkinson's disease, and viral infections; helps purify the blood and kidneys, helps regulate insulin; assists in easing childbirth and PMS. Beneficial to the eyes. MORE INFO (Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.) |