Pure Energy Rx Blog
Walkin' The Dog
Dogs' enthusiasm for their lives is infectious, too, and I think that's why humans love them so much. The dog's simple responses and unbridled focus seems to somehow bring back those ancient human days when we were simple and wild.
Don't Take Anything Personally
When someone judges another they are "rating" them on a good-to-bad scale compared to their value system--which is, actually, completely arbitrary.
Quantum Health Newsletter - Nov. 2022, Issue 2
9 Signs That You Are Actually Healing
1. Becoming more aware of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors - Being able to move from a reactive to a ...
This Quantum Life #172 - The God Brand: Let It Happen
Because we were created by the Creator/Source/God, all choices, goals, rewards and scenarios were built in to that creation. Our very being is our "destiny"--the inevitable unfolding of a beautifully created and designed expression of the Creator/Source/God. But when we choose to "experiment" with going against this "God Brand", we begin seeing our "destiny" as our "fate"--the inescapable mortal result of denying who we were created to be.
Quantum Health Newsletter - Nov. 2022 - Issue 1
Can Faking A Smile Make You Happier?
"Fake it till you make it" has become shorthand for people struggling in various aspects of life, with...
This Quantum Life #171 - Everything Is Conscious
I propose that we get away from making the distinction of "living" or "dead", because it is a limited view that is biased against transformations of forms.
Report No. 14 - Everything You Need (To Get What You Want)
It is truly as if life itself simply wants to give you what you want. It's just a matter of opening up to the truth that everything you need for what you want is already at hand.
Report No. 13 - Mother Earth Wants To Connect - Part 2
I've also been shown that when people connect to Earth as a community, peace reigns, creativity blossoms, physical maladies fade away, and life becomes about experiencing the joy of infinite possibility.
Report No. 12 - Mother Earth Wants To Connect - Part 1
I believe there is a true intelligence and love emanating from Earth, and we all can literally plug in to that love and intelligence by simply taking off our foot coverings, and making contact.
Report No. 11 - You Are The Healer
In shamanic healing practices, every uneasiness, discomfort, pain, ailment, disease, or fear is a signal. It is your body telling you something about how you are disconnected from the True Self. The True Self is radiant, vibrant, unconditionally loving, infinitely creative, and unlimited in its power.
Report No. 10 - Gratitude Is The Attitude
Gratitude is one of the easiest of feelings to create in yourself, and can be done without needing a "reason." If you need a reason in order to feel gratitude, look no further than your beating heart, your breath, your vision, your hearing, your consciousness
Report No. 9 - You Are Your Life
What we as humans are really good at is separating ourselves into "conscious" and "subconscious." The conscious part is what we are aware of, and the subconscious part is what we are not aware of. Therefore, for spiritual progress to happen, the task is to find out what it is that we are unaware of. How do you do that?