Pure Energy Rx Blog
Report No. 8 - Revisiting Abundance
I then tuned in to the idea that God/Nature is continually sending us the seeds of success, nourishment and opportunity every moment, and if only ONE of those seeds lands in the right circumstances, the correct environment, with the right timing, will change your life. How many of these seeds do we ignore, too, or misperceive them as not being valuable?
Report No. 7 - Life Really IS Fair
Later, in my shaman training, I came to realize that what I observe as my experience is being directly created by me. That was another hard concept to grasp, let alone embrace and experience. The reason it's difficult is because the ego measures its own worth based on the circumstances it sees. And, because it is always "right," any unwanted circumstances must be coming from some other source then self.
Intermittent Fasting
I've been an advocate of fasting since I found out about it as a teenager when I read my first yoga book. I practiced fasting many times in my l...
Report No. 6 - No One Dies From Disease
Buddhists and Hinduists have maintained that incarnation of the soul into a physical body is ONLY determined by the soul and its karma. This is a big statement. It is the soul that is outside of space and time. There is no "beginning" or "end" from the viewpoint of a soul--only CHANGE.
Quantum Health Newsletter- Oct. 2022, Issue 3
World Peace Possible Through Electro-Magnetism
Did you know that the heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of all the body's...
This Quantum Life #170 - That Kernel of Tenderness
The subsconscious resistances became subconcious when we decided to automatically block any energy from changing the protective force around the resistance--an "off-on switch" of sorts: "Turn on protection if change is imminent," for example.
Report No. 5 - Time and Manifestation
At a quantum level, the basic truth of the matter is that every intent is manifested. Once an intent is formed, instantly things at the atomic level begin to change. There is no such thing as putting out an intention and then nothing happens. Scientifically and physically, this is impossible. Thought and matter are so connected as to be one and the same.
Report No. 4 - The Trouble With Healing
"Healing" pre-supposes that there is sickness present. Thus, it is a very counter-productive concept. I prefer "transformation" because that is closer to what is actually going on. When something I see I would prefer be something else, it is "transforming." If I am experiencing a pain in my leg, I observe how the leg is transforming into one that has no pain.
Report No. 3 - The Body Spiritual
The truth of the matter is always "everything is energy." So, when considering the body, it's distribution of energy. Any "remedy" or "cure" can be an aid to re-distribute body energy into the appropriate channels in the proper intensities for optimum health.
Report No. 2 - Quality of Life
The most inspirational people to me are those who are extremely physically challenged, and yet accomplish great things or accomplish normal things, but only through sheer determination, inner vision and heart. They have risen above their "handicap," and have actually applied it to their advantage in creating deeply soulful lives.
Report No. 1 - Change is Good
Take another look in the mirror. Find ONE THING to change, and then DECIDE to change it. That motive power of DECISION is your accelerator pedal. Once it's engaged, the road immediately lays out in front of you...
Quantum Health Newsletter - October 2022, Issue 2
Quantum Health News
Humming for Health
The benefits of humming go beyond just the fun of humming a favorite tune. Research suggests...