Pure Energy Rx Blog

This Quantum Life #17 - Are You All In?

This Quantum Life #17 - Are You All In?

Instead, what if it's more a matter of asking for something and then being completely, and committedly willing to do, be or not do and not be whatever comes up in the actualizing of it, 

This Quantum Life #19 - Choosing and Predicting

This Quantum Life #19 -  Choosing and Predicting

The quantum truth of the matter is that ANYTHING could happen AT ANY MOMENT, since quantum states exist in and out of time, which makes all possibilities possible at any time.

This Quantum Life #20 - As An Infinite Being You Chose What?

This Quantum Life #20 - As An Infinite Being You Chose What?

If you compare what your life would be like if you were to fully embrace your infiniteness with what you currently are experiencing, there is probably a "YUUGE" difference. Why is this?

This Quantum Life #21 - Hacking Memes

This Quantum Life #21 - Hacking Memes

What gets me up on my soapbox about thinking in this unexamined way, is that it completely deletes out possibilities. There are a million ways conditions, things and experiences manifest in the world. Why narrow it down to one measly meme?

The Quantum Health Newsletter, July 2021, Issue 1

The Quantum Health Newsletter, July 2021, Issue 1

The Future Seeing Ability We All Have A few years ago, the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Dean Radin, visited the...

This Quantum Life #130 - Maybe It's Just Not About You

This Quantum Life #130 - Maybe It's Just Not About You

I recently flashed on a childhood memory from when this body was maybe seven or eight years old. I remembered eating an apple, and as I ate it, I...

This Quantum Life #22 - Being 50-50 With Life

This Quantum Life #22 - Being 50-50 With Life

Ultimately, Life--our experience of everything we are--is a team effort: the team of You and Life. 

This Quantum Life #23 - Moving Schmoving: What I Learned About Housing

This Quantum Life #23 - Moving Schmoving: What I Learned About Housing

The moral to the story is that if you're attempting to actualize something, make sure it's not something else you're not acknowledging that you're making a deal breaker.

This Quantum Life #24 - Mindfulness and Habituated Thought

This Quantum Life #24 - Mindfulness and Habituated Thought

Humans are really good at spotting patterns, assigning meaning to them, and then encapsulating those meanings into definitions and ramifications. The problem with this innate genius is that we so rarely turn it in upon our own thinking. 

This Quantum Life #25 - Transcend the Reptilian Brain

This  Quantum Life #25 - Transcend the Reptilian Brain

Finding that "clear space", that space of no thought that finds us floating in a sea of enfolding love and support, is the skill of transcendence. It is also the space of repair and healing after the reptilian brain has "blown out the energetic fuses" of the body, leaving it weak and exhausted. 

This Quantum Life #26 - Live Lightly, Feel Deeply

This Quantum Life #26 - Live Lightly, Feel Deeply

Take down the filters. Allow it all, feel it all, but skip lightly around and through it without caring or needing to somehow "do" something about it. 

This Quantum Life #27 - Aloneness and the Matrix

This Quantum Life #27 - Aloneness and the Matrix

After working for a while with these concepts, it's certainly not a stretch to see the world as a sentient being, reacting to and reflecting back to us our own intentions, feelings, and desires.