Pure Energy Rx Blog

This Quantum Life #28 - Are You Living a Story You're Not Aware Of?

This Quantum Life #28 - Are You Living a Story You're Not Aware Of?

One way to increase mindfulness is by using gratitude. We are grateful for what we have, and grateful when things "come together" with ease and joy. 

This Quantum Life #29 - Asking and Receiving: What Could Go Wrong?

This Quantum Life #29 - Asking and Receiving: What Could Go Wrong?

Okay, this know-it-all nitpicker is choosing another way to be. I hereby proclaim to the Universe, I am ready--really ready--to receive! Join me, won't you?

This Quantum Life #30 - What's Perfect About This I'm Not Getting?

This Quantum Life #30 - What's Perfect About This I'm Not Getting?

My theory is that at the end when our life flashes before us--our deeds, misdeeds, intentions and aspirations, there comes a moment where there must be a glimpse of our life as being perfect.

This Quantum Life #31 - So What's The Big Deal About Choice?

This Quantum Life #31 - So What's The Big Deal About Choice?

Hence, the entire physical world is in a constant state of "choosing" what to be, where to be it, and how to get there. And we either consciously participate in that choosing, or not.

This Quantum Life #32 - Why Do Resolutions Fail?

This Quantum Life #32 - Why Do Resolutions Fail?

I'm in control. This is an illusion. What is happening here is that you are simply following along a certain pattern of energy that you chose in the past.

This Quantum Life #33 - The Lie of Being Stuck

This Quantum Life #33 - The Lie of Being Stuck

So what seems like stuck-ness is actually an awareness of acceleration, making our life seem like it's standing still. 

This Quantum Life #35 - Life Doesn't Care

This Quantum Life #35 - Life Doesn't Care

The thing is, Life really doesn't care whether you personally live or die, since through living it expresses itself through you, and in death, simply uses the vacated quantum waves, molecules and cells to joyfully re-animate into new forms of life. So the choice to live or die is yours alone to make.

This Quantum Life #36 - Making the Meaty Choice

This Quantum Life #36 - Making the Meaty Choice

Either way, time can be your friend or your enemy. If you are completely and thoroughly willing to "do whatever it takes" then the Universe will throw you time-sensitive opportunities that really speed stuff up. If you're procrastinating, then so does the Universe.

This Quantum Life #37 - Leading the Pack

This Quantum Life #37 - Leading the Pack

One handy mind hack is to be mindful of when you put yourself at the effect of circumstances. 

This Quantum Life #38 - The Quantum Afterlife

This Quantum Life #38 - The Quantum Afterlife

The fact that we use the death of the body as a way to "jump parallel universes" now seems, in light of this new possibility, rather over-dramatic and anachronistic.

This Quantum Life #39 - Building a Ladder to Infinite Possibilities

This Quantum Life #39 - Building a Ladder to Infinite Possibilities

The way out of the conundrum of reinforcing fixed or stubborn conditions is to stop judging, stop concluding, and stop habitually asserting a particular point of view. Instead, ask questions.

This Quantum Life #40 - The Power of the Tiny

This Quantum Life #40 - The Power of the Tiny

  I was out on my daily walk the other day, and my eye was riveted by these tiny flowers whose plant was draped enticingly over some river rocks i...