Pure Energy Rx Blog

This Quantum Life #129 - Planting the Seeds of Your Life

This Quantum Life #129 - Planting the Seeds of Your Life

What has happened is that over the course of our lives, we've created and entertained fearful thoughts, negative feelings and scary scenarios that were actually seeds.

This Quantum Life #52 - Law of Attraction Quicksand

This Quantum Life #52 - Law of Attraction Quicksand

So, when those inevitable lessons of life come along, our responses to those lessons are reflected back to us on top of any actions we take. So you can end up in an endless loop of negative responses because the universe, per the Law of Attraction, is showing you more and more circumstances to match your negative responses to whatever the lesson is.

This Quantum Life #53 - The Universe Is Listening

This Quantum Life #53 - The Universe Is Listening

The Universe is ALWAYS listening. What are you always telling it?

This Quantum Life #54 - There Are No Setbacks

This Quantum Life #54 - There Are No Setbacks

Adversity then becomes advantage. Setbacks become opportunities to explore our own resistances--reclaim our power in the area, and fill the new-found space with joy, ease and vision.

This Quantum Life #18 - Take A Moment

This Quantum Life #18 - Take A Moment

Lifting all the judgments about how we're not living up some "superman" or "superwoman" intensity, allows us to become aware of and enjoy those small moments to ourselves, and allows these moments to rise to equal priority with moments of intensity.

This Quantum Life #55 - The Dark Art of Suffering

This Quantum Life #55 - The Dark Art of Suffering

Ultimately, the experience of pain as an unwanted perception sidetracks us into suffering because "this shouldn't be happening", or "This can't be happening." Well, it is happening, and it is a giant door of opportunity that has been flung wide open for the discovery of the unconscious blocks and unmindful choices we've made now manifesting as pain. 

This Quantum Life #56 - Installing Grace

This Quantum Life #56 - Installing Grace

I have come to see that gentle, certain intent trumps high-energy, forcible intent. Both achieve the objective, yet the former does it much more lovingly within the context of a healing space.

This Quantum Life #57 - Suspending Belief

This Quantum Life #57 - Suspending Belief

The subconscious is programmed by the repetition of "yes" and "no". That's all. We can consciously repeat a desire or preference until it builds up enough of a field in the subconscious, and, boom, it actualizes that desire or preference.

This Quantum Life #58 - Giving Up

This Quantum Life #58 - Giving Up

Each of us is a Creator with a capital "C". That's literally ALL we do--consciously and unconsciously. We cannot do or be anything else. 

This Quantum Life #59 - The Shortcut of the Imagination

This Quantum Life #59 - The Shortcut of the Imagination

The "hack" or shortcut is right there as part of the original equipment we all came in with: the imagination. The imagination IS the creative force that determines all of our experience. 

This Quantum Life #60 - Not Having It

This Quantum Life #60 - Not Having It

The great dynamo of our dualistic universe is the nothing-to-something engine. This engine has infinite power, and can create anything we can imagine and beyond. 

This Quantum Life #61 - A Dream of Fire

This Quantum Life #61 - A Dream of Fire

Resistance to an unwanted condition inevitably gives it energy and further attaches it to my energy field. With allowance, the unwanted condition simply floats on by and fades off into the distance.