SPECIAL HOLIDAY MESSAGE: At Pure Energy Rx we have had the honor of serving our loyal patrons with some of the most advanced wellness tools out there, and we are grateful for your belief in us. We are inspired to look ahead to 2023 with renewed hope for a re-energized humanity working together to restore our beloved planet. This past year has been a "tough love" year for many of us, as we got our eyes opened to the corruption and true agendas of some of our highest "public servants", waking us up to the deep need for everyone to work together to make the world right again, with prosperity, humanity, love and mercy for all. We enthusiastically look forward to the coming days and months of helping you with your wellness goals, as we create the better world we all know we can!
In peace and harmony,
Accessing the Dreamspace for Deeper Meaning
![]() The Dreamspace is the space between the spaces. Each and every moment has a deeper purpose, a deeper meaning and message, which seldom people hear about within society because their minds are too full, they have too many unnecessary objectives, their consciousness is too distracted by the endless gadgetry. It divorces people from the real juice of life.
You have to empty the mind, still the distraction, drop into the heart space, and feel through the senses to truly transcend the moment into the Dreamspace. It wants you to know yourself, as an intimate part of the miracle of existence. You have to be listening, feeling, and open to how you're being guided. You have to be patient, relaxed, without intention or deadline. Nature has eons to catch you. Eons to reel you back in. But only if you are listening and feeling. Here are some important keys to accessing the Dreamspace: 1) Spend plenty of time each day in stillness, softening the internal contractions, the resistances to quiet emptiness. 2) Reduce your reliance on electrical gadgetry. No one's saying don't use the mobile phone, just use it only when it's smart to do so. 3) Spend as much time as possible letting go of intention-created life. At least take quality time off without a plan. 4) Go free-wheeling by yourself often, responding only to the landing of higher knowing or a pull through the heart. 5) Allow the guidance to carry you until you feel to stop. Soften into that place and time. Breathe, observe, notice all five senses keenly, and then feel through them, so as to transcend the physical density. 6) Feel the lightness of the moment; how it connects with life around you, especially nature. 7) Notice how this deeper connection makes you feel. What sense does it resonate inside? 8) Imagine the dreamspace is now speaking to you. What would it be saying? It'll be telling you how to change your life, how to reveal more of your true self, what Right Action to take. 9) Celebrate in the joy of synchronicity, the language welcoming you back home as a cosmic child of the universe. Congratulations, you've arrived! QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use the Zen Meditation Elixir to assist in focusing and calming the mind. |
Sleeping In The Dark is Just Better
![]() "The results from this study demonstrate that just a single night of exposure to moderate room lighting during sleep can impair glucose and cardiovascular regulation, which are risk factors for heart disease, disobeys, and metabolic syndrome," explains Dr. Phyllis Zee, chief of sleep medicine at the Northwestern University School of Medicine and lead author of a study about the research. Usually, your heart rate drops at night while sleeping, and rises again in the morning when we are exposed to sunlight, activating our sympathetic nervous system. However, even just a dim glow can have the same effect on us during our sleeping hours. In the release mentioned above, Dr. Daniela Grimaldi, research assistant professor of neurology at Northwestern and co-author of the study, explains this further. "Even though you are asleep, your automatic nervous system is activated. That’s bad," she says. "Usually, your heart rate together with other cardiovascular parameters are lower at night and higher during the day." The next time you hit the sack, make sure to turn off all the lights—yes, that means putting your phone away and turning off whatever you’re streaming. Draw your curtains or shut your blinds if street lights creep in through your window, or alternatively, if you don’t have effective window coverings, then think about investing in a sleep mask. QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Stress is the main detractor when it comes to good sleep regardless of light levels. Use Clean Sweep to clear away negative energies contributing to stress, and our E-1 Stress Relief Formula to calm and normalize the nervous system. |
Biggest Kindness Study on Record
![]() The Kindness Test involved over 60,000 people from 144 different countries around the world, making it the largest public study of kindness ever carried out. You can listen to the full rundown of the results in the three-part BBC Radio 4 documentary, The Anatomy of Kindness, airing this month. The research will also soon be submitted for publication so their findings can be used to forward research in the future. Here are a few interesting findings from the test. Kinder people, or simply people who are more aware of kindness experience higher levels of life satisfaction and well-being. As other studies have found, two-thirds of participants believe the pandemic has made people kinder, perhaps by giving us a collective struggle that increased our empathy for each other. The study also found that nearly 60 percent of the people who partook in the research claimed to have received an act of kindness within the previous day. "It is a big part of human nature, to be kind--because it’s such a big part of how we connect with people and how we have relationships," says Claudia Hammond, study collaborator and the presenter of the documentary to The Guardian. "It’s a win-win situation, because we like receiving kindness, but we also like being kind." The overarching trend from the data is that your personality determines how kind you are to others and also how kind they are to you. People who are open to new experiences, agreeable, like talking to strangers, or are extroverted all reported higher levels of kindness in their lives. Hammond believes this may be because they have more confidence to enact kindness. "You need confidence to be able to offer kindness and to face the possibility that your offer of kindness may be rejected. And people may be happier to do that, and talk to strangers, if they are extroverted." To overcome this fear of rejection as your blockade to kindness, remind yourself how incredible it feels to receive it. "When we asked people how they felt, they said warm and happy and grateful and loved and pleased," Hammond added. You can carry out life changing acts of kindness for other people and yourself. Self-compassion is vital for mental health and overall life satisfaction. QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Wear the Vital Force Subtle Energy Charged Inner Peace Crystal to establish a field of peace and kindness around your space. |
Feeling Love - EXCERPT: The thing about us humans is that we have that choice thing. We can choose to be loving and happy, or choose to be hateful and sad, about any circumstance. Sure, some circumstances are more or less life-threatening than others, yet we still can choose to love even in the worst of circumstances, and in doing so, turn those circumstances around. Can we expect to do that by NOT being loving? FULL TEXT / VIDEO
Revisiting Abundance - EXCERPT: It is so easy to buy into the perception of scarcity, but it is just as easy to opt-out--one can participate in the fear of scarcity (and thus creating it), or one can freely give out of love. Every time I've given out of love, it has been a liberating experience where I instantly recognize the abundance of the world and demonstrate that recognition in the act of giving. -- FULL TEXT / VIDEO
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Quantum Healer of the Week
Amba Aliana'Hi
Company & Product News
Celebrate the holidays and the end of a challenging 2022! Now you can buy 4 bottles of any size of DigestZyme, PureZyme, or GastroZyme, and get FIVE! AND, get free shipping. Great formulas to go with all that holiday snacking and feasting. ALSO, with any purchase until the end of the year, you will receive a FREE $10 Gift Card good for any future store purchase! Use it for your shopping, or forward the gift code to a friend or loved one for them to use. |
![]() QUANTUM MOOD SUPPORT - NOW 30% OFF WITH CODE QCC-823T Quantum Mood Support is the combined energetic signature of a unique vitamin/mineral/herbal blend shown to positively impact moods related to anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. > Biotin > Choline Bitartrate > Folic acid > Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract > Grape seed extract > Iodine > Iron > Magnesium > Niacin > Riboflavin > > Selenium > Vitamin B12 > Zinc. Benefits: Supports cellular health > Promotes cognition and brain health > Increases energy production > Positively impacts mood disorders > No dangerous side effects > Can be used on your pc, laptop, mac, phone, tablet or mp3 player > Includes a printable version that can be carried in your pocket or used in a number of creative ways to support your mood. MORE INFO |
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
Rose Quartz ![]() Emotionally: The finest healer; releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache and transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves; soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation. Strengthens empathy and sensitivity. Mentally: Draws out negativity. Physically: Strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system and releases impurities from the body fluids. Aid chest and lung problems; helps the kidneys and adrenals. Useful for most sexual disorders. MORE INFO / ORDER (Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.) |