Trinity Gem Elixir - Seraphinite (1 oz.)

Regular price $35.00 $29.00 Sale

"Stone of Spiritual Enlightenment"

Spiritually: Helps with angelic connection, and opening the crown and higher crown chakras.

Emotionally: Promotes living from the heart, opening to love.

Mentally: Calms the mind, removing extraneous thoughts.

Physically: Works best at a subtle level. Useful for easing muscle tension in the neck. Enhance circulation of both chi and the blood.

Keywords: Angels, Heartless, Unlovable, Loving, Clarity, Clearing, Qi, Higher Intelligence, Heart Chakra, Peace, Tolerance, Acceptance, Spiritual enlightenment, Self healing, Spirit communication, spiritual enlightenment, higher energies, higher self, angelic, guides, conscious awareness, higher planes, cleans aura, strengthens, activates, balances, chakras, old patterns, imbalance, well-being, nerves, brain cells, spinal cord, spine, muscle tension, neck, chills, weight loss, crown chakra



Use the IAwake Technology with this
gem elixir for amazing experiences.



Beautiful Gem Trees from Vibes Up
Expand and Amplify the effect and energy of your gem elixir!
Gem Trees