Trinity Gem Elixir - Dendritic Agate (1 oz.)

Regular price $35.00 $29.00 Sale

"Stone of Plenitude"

Spiritually: Opens and aligns the chakras enabling them to integrate higher consciousness. Brings abundance and fullness to all areas of life.

Emotionally: Encourages centeredness in times of strife or confusion.

Mentally: Brings stability, patience and perseverance.

Physically: Assists conditions caused by chakra imbalances. Addresses skeletal disorders and aligns the skeleton. Help the nervous system. This crystal has a particularly strong connection with the plant kingdom, and so amplifies the effect of herbs.

Keywords: Integration, Off-center, Confused, Poverty, Money, Deprivation, Stingy, Generosity, Anxiety, Nerves, Hope, Unity, Cleansing, Harmony, Protection, Optimism, Positive thinking, Joy, Truth, nervous, Purification , Promptness, procrastination, Calming, Appreciation, cooling, peace, tranquility, throat, verbal expression, nurturing, supportive, anger, infection, inflammation, fever, repair, bones, thyroid, lymph, infections, red eye, skin, redness, irritation


This Dendritic Agate elixir has a special affinity with our E-1 Formula in regulating and normalizing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Take both together for anxiety and insomnia.


Use the IAwake Technology with this
gem elixir for amazing experiences.



Beautiful Gem Trees from Vibes Up
Expand and Amplify the effect and energy of your gem elixir!
Gem Trees