Tattvas Essential Oil - Galangal

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Gifts: understanding that the body is the present focus of personal consciousness and that cosmic consciousness is not "out there," but that it resonates within you; being sacramentally rooted in Self and surroundings; knowing that your environment is alive and reacts to your awareness; being commander of your own form and reality; pleasure in being alive.

Balancing: achieving the awareness that life does not happen to you; ending internal isolation by merging with the divine and bringing goals to fruition through focused attention and activity leading to abundance.

The combination of earth and water gives rise to the energy of Fertility. This is a nurturing combination that promotes boldness in following one's ambitions. Earth provides the firm foundation in which to plant ideas, while water nourishes ideas to fruition ultimately allowing a harvest.


  Introduction to Blending Divine Archetypes


  Divine Archetypes of Self