(Group of crystals used: Apophyllite, Okenite, Heulandite, Scolecite, Prehnite, and Stillbite often found together on a matrix.)
"Stone for Spiritual Journeying"
Spiritually: Creates a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms during spiritual journeys. Allows information to be transmitted from the spiritual realm. Helpful in metaphysical workings at all levels. Enhances intuition and prophecy and shows you the way forward for your spiritual growth. Facilitates deep karmic healing. Links to the higher self. Enhances visualization and deep meditation. Carrier of the Akashic Record. Used to heal the "healers."
Emotionally: Alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears, uncovering and healing the dis-ease that creates them. Releases suppressed emotions. Allows uncertainty to be tolerated.
Mentally: Reduces stress, releases mental blockages and negative thought patterns.
Physically: Potent detoxifier; works on the respiratory system, allergies, skin problems and regeneration of the mucus membranes. Assists brain disorders, connective tissue repair, and much more. Useful for going to the root cause of the problem. Effective against radioactivity.
Keywords: Clairvoyance, Wayshower, Terrors, Fearful, Afraid, Clarity, Clearing, Detox, Lungs, Pulmonary, Ligaments, Tendons, Congestion, Immunity, Immune, Radioactivity, Radiation
This Zeolite Elixir is an excellent synergistic partner with Clean Sweep. Add a few drops to your Clean Sweep bottle and see a quantum increase in effects. Also excellent with Divine Archetypes' Pure Mist and Incorruptus.
Use IAwake Meditation Technologies with this gem elixir
for an amazing experience.

Beautiful Gem Trees from Vibes Up
Expand and Amplify the effect and energy of your gem elixir!