(Jelly, Fire, Golden, Boulder, Pink, White Lavender and Dark Opals)
"Stone of Happy Dreams and Changes"
Spiritually: Enhances cosmic consciousness and stimulates mystical experiences. Enhances meditation and aligns the etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Stimulates intuition and creativity. Strengthens the 3rd Eye chakra.
Emotionally: Amplifies and brings things to the surface for transformation. Associated with love and passion, Opal intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Enhances self-worth and brings understanding of full potential.
Mentally: Brings lightness and spontaneity. Encourages an interest in the arts. Strengthens memory.
Physically: Strengthens the will to live. Addresses Parkinson's disease, and infections. Helps to purify the blood and kidneys. Helps regulate insulin. Assists in easing childbirth, and PMS. Beneficial to the eyes.
Keywords: Artistic, Artful, Esthetic, Transformative, Sexuality, Aphrodisiac, Sensual, Sensuality, Self-Esteem, Self-Actualize, Memories, Personal Will, Immunity, Immune, Pancreas, Labor Pains, Premenstrual Syndrome, Vision, Visual, mystical, cosmic, infection, fever, liver, blood, kidneys, insulin, PMS, menstrual, 3rd Eye Chakra
Use the IAwake Technology with this
gem elixir for amazing experiences.
Beautiful Gem Trees from Vibes Up
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